Thursday, October 22, 2009

Affiliates - Creating Content And Maximizing Eficiency

We all know deep down inside that content drives the internet. Without it, our sites will have no leg to stand on and fail miserably. So it's reasonable to assume that we definitely need content when we're affiliates trying to make money. Yet there are only limited ways of doing this.
Here are roughly 5 ways to do this:
1. Write it yourself
2. Hire or outsource it
3. Scrape the content
4. Use PLR
5. RSS
Before I explain what to write, let me introduce you to one strategy that works really well. Instead of going after the hard to get rankings with the top keywords, you should go for the low hanging fruits.
Say what?
What this means is that you should go after keywords that aren't heavily competed for just yet, and instead focus on the ones that are easier to dominate. The ones with less competition are always the winners when it comes to this strategy. For example, don’t write about "online business" go writing for the keyword "online business consultation in Boston". You might be getting a lot less traffic with these but look on the positive side. You will most likely get ranked in Google a lot faster as well as the other search engines. Plus, by doing this, you will no doubt get better quality traffic opposed to those more generic keyword terms.
Alright now for the different ways that you are going to build content with the methods I listed.
1. Write it yourself
This one isn't necessarily bad and it's how most people start off. The disadvantage is that you'll probably have to sit on your chair for hours every day trying to pump out as many of these as possible. Not the most pleasant experience at all.
2. Hire or outsource it
This is a good strategy and what most people do. The problem is going to be the quality of the articles and you'll need to watch out for who it is that you're hiring. There's been plenty of horror stories so make sure you're at least prepared for the worst. Usually there's a review of the writer on places like Elance so you can get a glimpse of the work that they do. It's also recommended that you hire somebody who speaks the targeted languange that you're going after.
3. Scraped content
This one is not recommended because it falls under the blackhat category. What this is, is taking content from other sites and using it as your own. Things have gone to the extremes lately with this one and the search engines have retaliated with much stronger filters than before. Also because of this, sites using scraped content don't really have the longevity of other sites. Usually banned within the first three months.
4. Use PLR
Private label rights are probably the best way to go when starting out. Second only to outsourcing because of the costs if you don't have the money for it. PLR means that you have the rights to the content (the content is in your name) and you can do whatever you wish with.
They are usually very easy to re-write and can be done by just about anybody.
5. RSS feeds
This use to be popular and it still is. Basically the content is created by others and gets re-used by you. This is different than scraping since you actually have permission from the others to use it. Disadvantage is that others are using them as well, so they aren't really unique. Also, the search engines won't ban you but having a site "just" with RSS isn't going to get you anywhere.
So my top picks are to write it yourself if you have the time and energy to do so. Hiring out if you have the money and PLR if you lack both.

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